Thursday 8 March 2012

Delivering a Presentation

When delivering a presation to small or big audiences, you have to keep your cool and speak clearly so everyone can hear you. When delivering a presentation its best to make sure your research is correct and there is no mistakes, becuase people you maybe delivering this presentation to may be knowledgeable of the area. When preparing your presentation make sure you know your objective and make sure you cover your topic in depth however don't put to much text on the screen becuase this can be very boring so you should revise your presentation so you know it inside out and only put down the key points, not only should you provide but you also should provide some visuals like pictures and videos to keep the audience awake however do not block your pictures or videos becuase this can look abit amateur. Always keep your eye contact to the audience so they know your focus on them, unless needed don't walk about when delivering your presentation becuase this can distract your from what your saying to your presentation to just looking at what your doing.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

The Quay Brothers

The Quay brothers are influencial stop-motion animators, film makers and directors, these brothers were born on the 17th June 1947 and are both identical twins. The Quay brothers both studied at the Philadelphia College of Art wherer theru studied illustration and graphics they both graduated in 1969. After graduating from college they won a scolarship at the Royal College of Art in London. In the 1970's the Quay brothers had a steady output of there own projects which were surreal and a very good attention to detail, however to help fund there own projects they had worked on TV commericals, and numerous music videos etc examples of compaines that they have worked or are Nikon, Coca-Cola etc and for music they had workd on the song Sledge Hammer (1986) which became number in the UK charts and went to number one in the US.

As of today the two brothers Stephen Quay and Timothy Quay are both professors of animated film at the European Graduate School.

Why is the piece of work good?

With there style of animation I can heavily compare it to the animatior Jan Svankmajer, however from thinking that there influence came from Jan Svankmajer, when we watched part of the documentary in class teh Quay brothers never even heard of him, however now the Quay brothers are great admirers of Jan Svankmajer and had dedicated a short film to him which was called The Cabinet of Jan Švankmajer (1984). Most of there work was very dark, moody, bizarre and sinister which had spread across the atmosphere of the animations, one part of the animtion which is key to the Quay brothes is the music, "music is the bloodstream and like any choreographer we compose our visual narrative through music--it almost co-writes the scenario. We'd like to achieve a musicalization of space, and would prefer our work to follow musical law rather than a dramaturgical one."

Explantion of one the pieces?

What you would ecpect to see in such animations frm the Quay brothers are:
  • Cobwebs
  • Dust
  • Strange machinary
  • A world that hasn't been touch in decades
  • Colours scheme looks like old photographs such as sepias, browns and dirty yellows
  • Strange animated objects
How has it been done technically?

From one of my references I discovered that one of the restrictions of their life was the course had done in Philadelphia and the Quay brothers were fustrated with their still images of illustration and graphics, the lack of sound and music, so they decided to do some 2D cut-out shorts but were still fustrated and wanted the third dimension.

In the animation world the Quay brothers are known because of their craftsmen methods and their uncommon sources of inspiration and here is a quote where some of there animation comes from,"our animation draws heavily on a very sophisticated visual language--a certain quality of lighting and decor, of stylized movement--which has a lot to do with Expressionism. But at the same time one could talk Keaton, or early Swedish or Danish cinema, all of which are crucial for us. The essential influence is that of a visual aesthetic which doesn't rely upon dialogue." From there ispiration they had created puppets that looked like dolls, these dolls look very worn out and then took apart to make something totally different. As a two man team they constructed their own sets, they had arranged the lighting and also operated the cameras.


Sunday 4 March 2012

Studio (Capcom)

Capcom is one of my  favourite studios, not only for their games and style of drawing but also for their animation; one game in particular is street fighter however aprt from that Capcom was first globally recognised as a coin operated gaming company with games such as "Little league", "Fever chance" and "Acty 24". Their first video game they released was "Vulgus", this game involved shooting enemies with the space ship.  Capcom developed many games available on new and upcoming consoles as they were launched, among these were consoles such as "NES" and "Playstation".  One of Capcoms biggest IP's was Mega man, with this hit success they launched an animated TV series in 2002. Street fighter was first released august 1987 in arcade format, this is the reason why I will be talking about it in this post, as I have seen a style evolve from their very first game till the latest.

 Street fighter all started in Japan, where it was developed and published by Capcom. The game is based on different characters around the world, each with a unique fighting style. They all compete with one another in a world tournament. Even tough street fighter has a basic story line, that has been repeated though out all versions of the game and the theme of a fighting tournament is commonly used in fighting games, it still has a vast fan base. Here are some games/anime that have also used the fighting tournament as a theme:

  • Dragonball z (game)
  • Baki The Grappler (anime)
  • Tekken (game)
  • Dead Or Alive (game)
  • Gash bell (anime)

Street fighter style all started with sprites. Sprites are a two dimensional pre-rendered figures. These sprites show different poses and when played together, form actions and movements. In the the 21st century the animation for street fighter is still done in sprites but portrayed in a 3D programme. One of Capcom's new styles for street fighter is cel-shading. Cel-shading is a type of rendering used to make computer graphics appear to mimic the style of comics and cartoons (in 3D programmes this may be called toon shader).

As street fighter is an action fighting game you should expect to see traits of that of an action genre. examples of Capcom's games are:

  • Devil May Cry
  • Bionic Commander
  • Resident Evil
  • God Hand
Other games made by Capcom that are globally know are:
  • Mega man
  • Goblins and Ghouls
  • Viewtiful Joe
  • Power stone
  • Super gem fighter
When making a game or film animation they can be very different to one another and one of main differeneces between them is that film animation is limitless in quality and movement, compared to game animation where there is the restriction of movement because someone has to control it (via console controller), also the quality has to be kept at a standard becuase it all has to be on one disc and if the console can handle ht graphics etc. One way in which game developers have worked this out by using algorithms, an algorithm is a effective method of solving a problem for example when playing a game 5-6 years ago you probably won't be able to see the distance of the environment becuase you wernt close enough however now you can see depth of the environment becuase of the algorithm "screen space ambient occlusion". with this algorithm it creates depth in the environment.


Saturday 3 March 2012



Action films are nowadays the big budget blockbuster films, where stunts and explosions can happen on a regular basis. To make action films more intense, the one or two heroins are struggling against the odds because of the criminals however they alwase bring it back in the most impossible situations.

films in the action genre are:
  • X-men
  • Transformers
  • Thor
  • Green Lantern
  • The Green Hornet
what to expect in the action genre
  • Fist fights
  • Guns
  • Saving someone or something
  • Explosions
  • Chases
  • Violence
  • Criminals


Horror films were made to give the audience a scare and this is done while entertaining us at the same time even though it might be gruesome. horror films are often combined with sci-fi when a monster is made by a failed science experiment etc and this monster nowadays can be made in CGI so they look realistic.

films in the horror genre
  • Final Destination
  • Hostel
  • Scream
  • Paranormal Activity
  • Apollo 18
what to expect in the horror genre
  • Serial killers
  • Haunted houses
  • Ghosts
  • Demons
  • Zombies
  • Gore
  • Torture

Science Fiction

The science fiction(in short sci-fi) genre is more about possible worlds and the future, however most of this is imaginary/visionary and is based around some theories of time travel, moving faster than light to wormholes and this is all to do with the theory of travel.

films in the sci-fi genre
  • Battle Los Angeles
  • Star Wars
  • Real Steel
  • Cowboys & Aliens
  • Rise of the Planet of the Apes
  • Super 8
what to expect in a sci-fi film
  • Aliens
  • Robots
  • Futuristic technology
  • Space ships
  • Flying vehicles
  • Lasers
  • Other inhabited planets