Thursday 8 March 2012

Delivering a Presentation

When delivering a presation to small or big audiences, you have to keep your cool and speak clearly so everyone can hear you. When delivering a presentation its best to make sure your research is correct and there is no mistakes, becuase people you maybe delivering this presentation to may be knowledgeable of the area. When preparing your presentation make sure you know your objective and make sure you cover your topic in depth however don't put to much text on the screen becuase this can be very boring so you should revise your presentation so you know it inside out and only put down the key points, not only should you provide but you also should provide some visuals like pictures and videos to keep the audience awake however do not block your pictures or videos becuase this can look abit amateur. Always keep your eye contact to the audience so they know your focus on them, unless needed don't walk about when delivering your presentation becuase this can distract your from what your saying to your presentation to just looking at what your doing.

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